Conflict Management One: The Conflict Episode

Leadership Workshop:

Conflicts occur in a series of episodes, like the scenes of a play. If we can learn how the recurring episodes unfold then we can see where and how we can intervene in that process to direct it into productive, health and useful conflicts rather than disruptive, unhealthy and destructive conflicts. This highly interactive workshop lays out the recurring dynamic and shows how to avoid accidentally escalating the conflict and how to de-escalate the conflict should it occur. The steps for effective intervention are easy to understand and will make a significant difference in the arc of the conflict.

In this workshop, you will learn

  • How a particular definition of conflict can lead you to a deeper and more productive approach.

  • The recurring pattern that all workplace conflicts display.

  • What leads to conflict escalation and how to prevent it.

  • The specific actions you can take increase the chances of successful conflict management.

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Conflict Management Two: Conflict Sources and their Solution Paths


Leading Change