New Year’s Resolutions for the Development Professional

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, found some time to rest after the year-end giving push, and have returned ready to embrace all the hopes and promises that the new year brings.

In the spirit of the new year, I thought I would suggest some New Year’s Resolutions that you – the development professional – might consider to make this year your best one yet.

1.       I resolve to stop calling myself a fundraiser and instead refer to myself as a development professional. We all know that development consists of so much more than “just” asking for money. We perpetuate this stereotype when we reduce our work to “fundraising.” Stop it!

2.       I resolve to steward the heck out of my donors so that they feel appreciated for their investment in our mission and know without a doubt how their gift makes a difference for the people (or animals or environment) that we serve

3.       I resolve to give special attention to my first-time donors, welcoming them into our donor family, informing them of all the great work we do, and inviting their continued investment

4.       I resolve to personally reach out to at least 3 donors each week to thank them for their gift, update them on our programs and progress, or get to know them better

5.       I resolve to meet personally with each of our board members to get to know them better and understand the ways in which they want to support our development efforts. And I resolve to personally ask them for help in these areas – and only these areas – so they feel good about making a valuable contribution to the organization and our bottom line

6.       I resolve to set aside time each month for professional development – whether attending a webinar, conference, lunch-and-learn, or reading a book or article about development and the nonprofit sector

7.       I resolve to have coffee (or lunch or wine) with one colleague or peer each month to get to know him or her better and build my network and tribe

8.       I resolve to set aside at least an hour each week for think time, not getting so bogged down in my daily tasks that I forget to strategically plan to use my time and talents most effectively

9.       I resolve to take time to refresh, rejuvenate, and reflect. I know that development work is never done; I can always secure one more gift, write one more grant, or host one more event. But I will know my limits, respect my limits, and use my time most efficiently to maximize my personal energy and the resources for my organization.

10.   I resolve to take a vacation (or 2!) – without my phone or email – knowing that my donors will still be there when I get back

If you cannot tackle all 10 this year, pick the one or two that will make the greatest difference in your personal and professional life. Which will you pick?

What resolutions would you add to this list?

Good luck… and Happy New Year!


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