Tapestry Farms

A nonprofit urban farm system, Tapestry Farms generously invests in the lives of refugees who have resettled in the Quad Cities. Two programs help them achieve this goal. First, they reclaim underutilized land in Quad City neighborhoods experiencing food insecurity, putting the skills and talents of refugees to work to grow fruits, vegetables, herbs, and even flowers so that everyone in our community has access to fresh produce. Second, they persistently work to eliminate barriers that refugees experience to housing, education, medical and mental health care, work, food, transportation, community, and citizenship, connecting refugees to existing resources and helping them navigate the often-confusing social services network.

Tapestry Farms serves refugee families from some of the most impoverished and war-torn countries in the world including Afghanistan, Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. All have resettled in the Quad Cities and lived here from six months to 12 years. Most have less than a high school education; many – especially women – have no formal education. More than 95% directly experienced or witnessed trauma or violence; some have suffered significant physical and emotional harm from which they may never heal. Because of these factors, refugees often need long-term support to rebuild their lives. In addition to learning English and basic skills such as grocery shopping that many of us take for granted, they need to feel welcomed and safe to successfully integrate into their new community and set their children on the road to success.

Built on a spirit of cultural humility, relationships, and collaboration, through persistence, education, and intensive support, Tapestry Farms breaks down the systemic barriers that keep these most vulnerable refugees from living the life they desire for themselves and their children. Specific and generous investments in refugees who live in the Quad Cities allow them to heal and then build on their skills and talents so that they can live freely and beautifully in their new country.

Wastyn & Associates has worked with Tapestry Farms since 2020 on several projects including grant writing and strategic planning. Most recently, we developed a fundraising plan to boost their annual fundraising capacity with more frequent and focused solicitations. We look forward to seeing the fruits of this endeavor to help more people learn about and support this important, growing organization.

We so deeply appreciate the professionalism, knowledge, wisdom, candor, listening, and persistence that we have experienced with Wastyn & Associates. Tapestry Farms has been able to establish a strong foundation with their expertise, and now we are very much looking forward to a flourishing future.
— Ann McGlynn, founder and board president, Tapestry Farms

Illinois Lyme Association


Quad Cities Interfaith